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Spiritual Meaning of Snake Dreams-15 Reasons Exposed!

Revelation 12:9

Snake dreams are not uncommon to feel a jolt of fear upon waking. When interpreting snake dreams from a Biblical perspective, it’s good to consider the context and symbolism surrounding snakes in scripture.

Revelation 12:9 offers a dramatic glimpse into a moment in the fight between Father God and the Serpent. It describes the expulsion of a haughty dragon, identified as the ancient serpent, the Devil, and Satan himself. 

In this verse, there is a picture of a great war, with the Angels of God triumphing over Lucifer and his Angels. Satan and his followers are defeated and cast out of their place of power, hurled down to earth.

snake dreams

But it’s important to remember that Satan’s defeat isn’t the end of the story. The verse emphasizes his role as the “deceiver of the whole world,” highlighting his ongoing influence on humanity. Even though he’s been defeated, Satan remains a powerful enemy, continuing to tempt and mislead people.

While snake dreams can evoke fear, the Biblical meaning of snake dreams represents hidden threats or betrayals from demons lurking in your life. Specific scenarios and emotions within your dream can provide effective insight into its meaning. Whether you’re being chased by a snake, killing one, or simply encountering one in your dream, each scenario carries its significance in spiritual realms.

Snake Dream Spiritual Meaning

Throughout the Bible, the snake, often referred to as a “serpent,” represents various themes, including deception, oppression, and spiritual warfare. The Snake’s association with deception traces back to the Garden of Eden.

In dreams, encountering a snake signifies You are under attack by an unholy and devilish snake spirit. There are a lot of Biblical Verses, I can give you to debate on this topic. whether you see a green snake, black snake, or red snake, has one Biblical meaning you are under attack by this spirit. 

Many Christians have possession of this spirit because of their spiritual unawareness.

What are the Reasons for Snake’s Dreams?

You can have a snake in your dreams for the following reasons :

  1. Forefathers worshiped idols

  2. Visting possessed places such as shrines and tombs 

  3. You ate from someone’s house who is involved in witchcraft

  4. You have watched pornography

  5. You have watched TV serials  where snakes are worshipped and valued, Snake horror movies 

  6. Being involved in idolatry and superstitions witchcraft and tarot card readings

  7. Getting a snake tattoo

  8. Playing Ouija boards

  9. Plam readings

  10. Wearing possessed amulets and Jewelry 

  11. Somebody did witchcraft on you

  12. Somebody cursed you

  13. Sex before marriage 

  14. Same gender sex 

  15. Keeping Cursed Objects in House (e.g. Snake Paintings, Snake print clothes, Snake statues, etc) All these are open portals of the serpent’s spirit visiting you in dreams.


What do these Snake Dreams suggest?

  1. In dreams, a serpent often represents an attack on your spirit. Recognizing this is crucial.

  2. Snake dreams can signify spiritual attacks. You may feel fear or anxiety in these dreams. These emotions are signs of a deeper spiritual struggle.

  3. The serpent spirit is a known deceiver. Historically and biblically, serpents are symbols of deceit. They aim to mislead and cause harm.

  4. Snake dreams suggest your future is at risk. They warn of potential derailments. Your goals and aspirations may be in jeopardy.

  5. These dreams also highlight present dangers. Immediate threats could be lurking. It’s essential to address these vulnerabilities now.

  6. A snake dream might mean your destiny is hijacked. You must act to reclaim your purpose. Protecting your life’s path is crucial.

  7. The serpent spirit can disrupt your success. It also affects personal and professional relationships. Recognizing this can help you counter its effects.

  8. The serpent spirit uses deceitful tactics. Identifying these strategies is key. Awareness helps in combating spiritual deception.

  9. Prayers and rituals can combat the serpent spirit. Building spiritual resilience is vital. Stay fortified against attacks.

  10. Healing from spiritual attacks is possible. Take steps to restore balance. Harmony in life can be achieved again.

  11. Spiritual mentors can provide guidance. Community support is also important. Don’t face spiritual battles alone.

  12. Stay spiritually alert. Daily practices help maintain vigilance. Long-term strategies ensure ongoing protection.


Snake dreams

What does the Spirit of Serpent do in Your Personal Life?

  • Chases Your Dreams

  • Chases your destiny

  • Delay in getting your blessings

  • Chases your relationship

  • Breaks your marriage

  • Miscarriage your babies 

  • Gives you Sicknesses

  • Possesses certain body parts

  • Bankrupts your business and plans

  • Serpents give you suicidal thoughts

  • Destroys Your Mental Peace and Joy

  • Ruins your Emotional Health

  • Gives you Fear and  Back pain 

  • Gives you wrong decisions 

  • It indicates that you are engaged in spiritual warfare with Satan. This spiritual battle extends beyond the physical realm, highlighting the importance of remaining vigilant. You need to seek divine protection against the schemes of the enemy.  It may also signify the possibility of facing sickness or health-related issues as a result of the spiritual attacks.


Written by jehovahs Daughter

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