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Killing Snake in Dream During Pregnancy-18 Things to Do


The compassionate state of becoming a mother is great but while you’re pregnant dreaming about killing a snake during pregnancy can be a confusing experience. How did killing a snake in a dream during pregnancy feel about your pregnancy?

In the Holy Bible, such dreams are often imbued with deep symbolic meaning. Understanding these elements can provide expectant mothers with spiritual insights and reassurance during a transformative period of their lives.

Snake Dreams in a Biblical Perspective

  • Biblical Context: Joseph’s Dreams

The Bible contains numerous instances of dreams being used by God to communicate with individuals, such as Joseph’s dreams in the book of Genesis, which foretold future events and guided his actions.

  • Symbolism of Snakes: Deception and Evil

The Biblical meaning of snake dreams is associated with deception, evil, and spiritual warfare, stemming from the narrative of the serpent tempting Eve in the Garden of Eden.

  • Enemy of Woman’s Offspring

Killing a snake in a dream during pregnancy is a sign that you killed the enemy in the spiritual realm. In the Bible, the snake is depicted as the enemy of women’s offspring, particularly in the Book of Genesis. Genesis 3:15 This verse is part of the curse pronounced by God after the serpent deceives Eve, leading to the fall of man.

The snake symbolizes evil and deception, marking it as a perpetual adversary to humanity, especially to the descendants of Eve. This enmity highlights the ongoing spiritual battle between good and evil, emphasizing the snake’s role as a formidable foe to women’s children throughout biblical narratives.

Interpretation of Killing a Snake During Pregnancy Dream

Killing a snake in a dream during pregnancy,  like if she is not living as a good believer, there is a spiritual risk. Her pregnancy could fall under the influence of evil forces. The devil can exploit this vulnerability, attempting to claim her offspring. Praying fervently against such bad influences is crucial, invoking divine protection.

Killing a snake dream means a profound spiritual victory. It means you have triumphed in the spiritual warfare against the serpent spirit that sought to attack you and your unborn child. This act symbolizes defeating spite forces, securing divine protection, and affirming your spiritual strength. Through faith and prayer, you have overcome the threat, ensuring the safety and well-being of your pregnancy.

This victory is a testament to your resilience and the power of divine intervention in guarding against evil. Covering the child in the blood of Jesus throughout your pregnancy phase. Prayer is a powerful way to safeguard both mother and child, ensuring they remain under God’s authority and protection, free from the clutches of evil. Dreams of killing a snake during pregnancy can symbolize victory over spiritual attacks or demonic influences, reflecting the believer’s authority to overcome darkness through the power of God.

Protection and Deliverance

Psalm 91:13

According to Psalm 91:13, believers are promised protection from spiritual dangers, including trampling serpents and overcoming the enemy’s schemes.

Why the Enemy Came in Your Dream?

  1. to Hijack your pregnancy 
  2. to miscarriage 
  3. to impact badly on your child
  4. to possess your child before birth
  5. to test your faith in God’s Promises
  6. to claim his authority upon your child
  7. to transfer the generational curses upon your baby

Killing a snake in a dream during pregnancy represents the protection of the unborn child from spiritual harm or negative influences.

As expectant mothers naturally prioritize the well-being of their unborn child. Dreams of seeing a snake in the house or killing a snake may reflect maternal instincts to safeguard the spiritual environment surrounding the pregnancy.

18 Things You Should Do After This Dream Encounter

  1. Repent, Ask forgiveness  (if not yet)
  2. Ask the purified Blood of Jesus Christ upon your Spirit, Soul, and Body
  3. Pray without ceasing
  4. Thank God for His Faithfulness in your life and your child’s life
  5. Thank God for the fruit of the womb
  6. Read the Holy Bible daily
  7. Do worship, listen as well
  8. Lay hand prayer on your belly with punctuality 
  9. Attend a living full Gospel church
  10. Ask your pastor and church prayer warriors to pray for you
  11. Declare defeat for snake dreams
  12. Proclaim God’s promises from the Bible
  13. Have Faith in God, stand firm
  14. Bind bad dreams portals before sleeping
  15. Do not watch horror or creepy videos before you go to bed
  16. Meditate your child’s good future with you.
  17. Smash the devil’s agenda and plotting against your life daily
  18. Do not go for unholy stuff 


Dreams of killing a snake during pregnancy, when viewed through the lens of biblical interpretation, can symbolize victory over spiritual attacks, protection of the unborn child, and the exercise of divine authority over evil forces. While dreams carry personal significance and may vary in interpretation, believers can find assurance in their faith and reliance on God’s protection during this sacred time of nurturing new life.

Written by jehovahs Daughter

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