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How to Interpret Spiritual Dreams?|A to Z Guide

How to Interpret Spiritual Dreams?
How to Interpret Spiritual Dreams?

How to interpret spiritual dreams. at the same time, you are not mature enough to do this. God always used dreams as a medium to share His message with people. You need to interpret dreams not all dreams need interpretation some are pizza dreams, but, you should be careful about serious dreams.

Here are steps you can follow to interpret your spiritual dreams accurately!

Fundamentals of Dream Interpretation

Let’s explore the basics of dream interpretation, guided by Scripture, and address some common questions.

The understanding of spiritual matters is vital for a deep connection with God. Many struggles arise not from a lack of prayer but from missing the wisdom needed to grasp spiritual truths.

The Bible states in Hosea 4:6 that people perish due to a lack of knowledge. While prayer is essential, it is not always the solution. Without knowledge, there can be no wisdom, as wisdom is God’s instruction on how to execute a task effectively. This is why Solomon prayed for wisdom, not merely knowledge. He sought God’s guidance to lead His people wisely, understanding that instruction is the foundation of true wisdom.

Solomon’s wisdom was accompanied by knowledge of even the smallest details in creation. This shows that wisdom requires knowledge, but knowledge without wisdom can lead to misplaced priorities or even idolatry.

God does not oppose knowledge, but it must be sought with a desire for His guidance. Wisdom and knowledge work hand in hand, with God’s instruction as the cornerstone of understanding.

The Mystery of Sleep and Dreams

The Bible indicates that deep sleep is often a time when God imparts profound revelations. The state of deep sleep, scientifically associated with REM (rapid eye movement), is when dreams occur. Spiritually, it is a moment when the soul is quiet, and God can communicate without the distractions of the physical world.

This story teaches us that:

Sleep is not merely a physical rest but a time when spiritual revelations can unfold.

Dreams and visions during sleep can reveal truths and instructions from God that are hidden in the natural realm.

Our receptivity to God’s messages can depend on our spiritual readiness and how we approach rest.

The act of sleep itself becomes a spiritual posture where we trust God to work, even when we are unaware of His precise actions. Adam’s experience demonstrates that God’s work often goes beyond our understanding, but when we trust Him, He brings clarity and purpose, just as He brought Eve to Adam.

Dreams as a Gateway to the Spiritual Realm

When we dream or have visions, we operate outside the constraints of physical time.

The spiritual realm allows us to access insight, foresight, and divine possibilities that are not bound by earthly limitations.

While those awake wait for the future, those in the spirit through dreams or visions can see and engage with the future.

Dreams Enable the Impossible

Dreams are spaces where the unimaginable becomes possible, as seen in Adam’s story—where God created Eve from his rib while he was asleep.

Similarly, dreams allow us to perceive things that are yet to be, aligning with the biblical principle of calling things that are not as though they are (Romans 4:17).

Vision and Innovation

Many inventions and technologies we see today were envisioned long before they became realities.

For example, FaceTime and video communication mirror practices seen in spiritual realms for generations, where witches and spiritual beings have used methods to see and communicate across distances.

The Spiritual and the Future

The spiritual realm often reveals what will eventually manifest in the physical realm.

Philip’s teleportation in Acts 8:39 is an example of spiritual advancement that surpasses even modern technological aspirations like teleportation.

Dreams tap into the realm of possibilities, potential, and divine purpose.

The speaker emphasizes the importance of dreams as a spiritual tool for connecting with God and understanding divine insights. Below are the key points:

Dreams as a Spiritual Connection

  • Dreams are signals that humans are inherently spiritual beings.
  • Through dreams, God communicates profound truths, revealing aspects of His will and purpose.

Dream Interpretation is a Prophetic Act

Dream interpretation aligns with the prophetic ministry, and reveals hidden meanings and spiritual guidance.

The ability to interpret dreams strengthens believers in their spiritual journey.

Dreaming is Essential for Hearing from God

The speaker asserts that 90% of the time, God speaks to His people through dreams.

Failing to dream or engage with the messages within dreams means potentially missing divine revelations.

Engagement and Attention

The speaker encourages active participation, symbolized by hitting the like button, to engage with the teachings and reinforce the importance of learning about dreams and their interpretations.

Why Some People Don’t Dream?

Some people claim they don’t dream or can’t remember their dreams. If you don’t dream, it may indicate an issue with your soul.

  • Dreaming is natural, If you have a soul, you should dream.
  • Spiritual disconnection: Not dreaming suggests more flesh than spirit in your life, leaving your soul under attack.
  • Memory blockage, Even if you dream, you may wake up with no memory of it. This happens because your spirit and soul’s memory have been affected, preventing you from perceiving the message God is trying to convey.
  • When your soul is blinded, dreams feel like a blank slate. It’s like being under general anesthesia—you wake up with no recollection of what happened. Dreaming is your portion, and we will pray for restoration for those who don’t dream.

The Role of Sin and Flesh

Sin and spiritual complacency kill the ability to dream. The enemy often steals your sight, leaving you spiritually blind. Without dreams, you lose a vital form of revelation.

Misunderstanding Dreams

  • Many people are taught to bind “evil dreams,” but the issue lies not in the dream itself but in the spirit behind it.
  • Dreams are revelations, even when a dream feels negative, it’s a message revealing what is happening in the spiritual realm.
  • Don’t reject the ability to see, treat your dreams as a spiritual CCTV, showing what you cannot perceive while awake.

Scary Dreams Aren’t Always Demonic

  • Not every frightening dream is from the enemy. Even dreams from God can be intense or terrifying.
  • Biblical examples, encounters with angels often caused people to faint, fall to their knees, or feel overwhelmed with terror—not because the angels were evil but because of their divine nature.
  • Mary’s encounter, for Mary, the mother of Jesus, to converse calmly with an angel indicates her deep spiritual maturity. The Bible doesn’t assume it was her first angelic encounter, and her reaction reflects her readiness.

Biblical Context and Examples

“The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and our children forever.”

One of the biggest misconceptions in church and Christian circles is the belief that God only communicates with those who follow Him. This is not true. Life is interconnected, and God may reveal something to someone outside of Christ to safeguard those who are in Him. A clear example of this is Pharaoh in Egypt. Though he was not a man of God, God still revealed a significant dream to him—seven fat cows consumed by seven skinny cows—prompting action that preserved the Israelites.

The Bible tells us that God causes rain to fall on both the righteous and the wicked. This demonstrates that some blessings and revelations are given to all humanity, while others are reserved for those in Christ. Every person who sleeps receives communication from God. If you think you haven’t dreamed, it’s not because God didn’t speak—it’s often due to being too preoccupied with worldly concerns to remember.

I recall an instance where a woman struggled with recurring miscarriages. God showed her a dream of a serpent attacking her children. Through spiritual insight, we recognized the problem, prayed, and broke the chain. Dreams like this aren’t meant to instill fear but to reveal what’s happening spiritually and how to address it.

Understanding dreams is a skill that requires learning and practice, as exemplified by Daniel, who was described as being skilled in wisdom and dream interpretation. My goal today is not just to interpret dreams for you but to teach you the principles and skills to interpret them yourself through the Lord Jesus Christ.

A frightening dream doesn’t mean it’s from the devil. Consider Pharaoh’s dream of the seven fat cows being devoured by seven skinny cows—a vivid and unsettling image. Yet, it was God revealing a critical message. Often, the more intense or alarming a dream, the more God is trying to capture your attention and prompt you to act.

Ecclesiastes 5:3 teaches us, “A dream comes when there are many cares, and many words mark the speech of a fool.” This emphasizes that dreams often arise when we are occupied with tasks or responsibilities, especially those aligned with God’s purposes. When we are actively involved in His work, He communicates through dreams to provide direction.

If someone isn’t receiving dreams, it may be because they aren’t engaging with the responsibilities of God’s kingdom. God sends instructions to those who are active in His service. Dreams are not random; they are deliberate messages tied to our spiritual assignments.

As believers, it’s essential to develop discernment. Not all emotions or impressions come from God. For example, if someone dislikes a servant of God without clear cause, it may stem from a spiritual influence opposing that servant’s mission. Dreams that seem to accuse or demonize others should be carefully examined, as they do not align with God’s purpose.

The Bible also warns against excessive talk. Ecclesiastes 5:3 highlights that “a fool is known by their many words.” Those who walk closely with God tend to be people of few words, speaking with intention and wisdom. This maturity reflects their focus on God’s work and their caution with their speech.

Take note of this principle: where there are true cares and responsibilities for God’s kingdom, there is little time for idle talk or criticism. Those consumed with fulfilling God’s assignments are busy focusing on His tasks, not scrutinizing others.

If someone is genuinely working for God, their fruits will testify to their calling. Instead of being preoccupied with judging others, prioritize fulfilling the purpose God has placed on your life. Focus on what He has entrusted to you, ensuring that His will comes to pass through your obedience and diligence.

When you are consumed by the desire to fulfill God’s will, your focus shifts. Instead of worrying about others’ actions or shortcomings, your energy is directed toward asking God, “Show me how to do this; show me the way forward.” The responsibility of others’ callings and assignments lies with God—not with you.

Ecclesiastes 5:7 states:

“For in the multitude of dreams and many words there is also vanity, but fear God.”

This highlights that excessive talk and numerous dreams can sometimes lead to emptiness. Many people claim to hear from God or have constant revelations but lack actionable instructions for their own lives. Why would the Holy Spirit only reveal others’ faults to you without addressing your own life’s purpose and alignment with God’s will?

True intimacy with God leads to personal transformation and direction, not a preoccupation with pointing out who is false or genuine in the Kingdom. When you focus on your relationship with God and His instructions for your life, He positions you for His glory.

Even Jesus, the Son of God, demonstrated this principle. He said, “The Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing.” Yet, in the Scriptures, we never read about Jesus having visions or excessive revelations. Instead, we see Him acting in alignment with the Father’s will, often receiving guidance in quiet moments or even through sleep.

Jesus, being fully aware that He was the Son of God, was never confused about His identity. However, John the Baptist had questions, as reflected in his words: “Are you the one, or should we expect someone else?” John operated in the realm of visions, whereas Jesus worked in perfect unity and did not rely on visions for His mission.

The Bible emphasizes that Jesus often slept, yet He proclaimed, “The Son only does what He sees the Father do.” This reveals that spiritual sight is foundational, and it often begins when we are at rest—specifically, in dreams. If you cannot perceive God’s will in dreams, your ability to see and act upon His plans while awake may be hindered.

In Genesis 2:21–22, we find the first recorded instance of a human experiencing what could be called a “vision of the night”:

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man.”

Notice something profound: Adam was not awake when this happened. The revelation of Eve’s creation, and his recognition of her as “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh,” occurred while he was in a deep sleep. The Bible does not say Adam woke up during this process.

This demonstrates a principle: God often communicates significant revelations and instructions when we are at rest. Our spiritual eyes are more attuned in such moments, as distractions of the physical world are minimized. If you are receptive to God’s messages in your dreams, you position yourself to see His plans more clearly, even in your waking life.

In Genesis 2:21–22, we see a mystery in how God created Eve and revealed her to Adam:

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof. And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made He a woman, and brought her unto the man.”

God Speaks Through Dreams

  • The easiest way for God to speak to His people is through dreams.
  • Biblical examples like Jacob and Solomon demonstrate this truth.
  • When we sleep, our souls gain a glimpse of what is happening in the spiritual realm. This is why dreams are so significant. They are God’s way of revealing instructions, warnings, or blessings that require our response.
  • Jacob had a transformative encounter with God in a dream (Jacob’s Ladder).
  • Solomon received divine wisdom in a dream when God asked him what he desired.
  • 90% of the time, God will speak to His people through dreams, which means receiving wisdom, guidance, and understanding.
  • When people stop dreaming, it indicates that God has been trying to communicate, but they haven’t listened.
  • Job 33:13-18 shows how God uses dreams to guide and protect people, especially to prevent them from being led astray by pride.
  • When you recognize that a dream is from God, the first step is to thank Him. If it’s a negative revelation, start binding and rebuking in prayer.
  • If it’s a positive message, thank God and ask Him how to position yourself to align with His plan. Dreams are a direct form of communication from God, whether they seem pleasant or scary.

Listening to God’s Voice

  • Pride is highlighted as the root cause when someone stops dreaming or receiving messages from God. The speaker stresses that ignoring God’s messages, including dreams, reflects a heart of pride.
  • The idea is that when God speaks through dreams, He attempts to correct, guide, and prevent spiritual danger.

Business and Ministry Growth

The speaker compares ministry growth to an act of obedience to God. Instead of trying to force growth, one should wait for God’s direction.

Growth in ministry, like the fishing metaphor from the story of Peter, happens when one is obedient to God’s instructions, not by relying on one’s efforts.

Peter’s fishing story illustrates that God’s guidance leads to the right results; He directs when and where the catch will come.

How To Interpret Spiritual Dreams Step by Step

Dreams are revelations, not mere figments of imagination or attacks from the devil. When you dream, God is showing you something occurring in the spiritual realm that your physical senses cannot perceive.

For instance, if someone is under demonic bondage, they might not visibly show it, but their struggles are spiritually evident. Dreams reveal these hidden realities, allowing us to pray and seek deliverance.

For instance, Joseph dreamed of his future leadership role over his family (Genesis 37:5-10). Similarly, Daniel’s visions unveiled events that are yet to happen (Daniel 7:1). These examples show that spiritual dreams often come with deep significance.

God’s Way of Communicating

Dreams can act as a medium for God to provide direction, encouragement, or correction. Job 33:15-16 describes this beautifully: “In a dream, in a vision of the night… He opens the ears of men and seals their instruction.” Understanding their divine purpose is key to proper interpretation.

Preparing to Interpret Spiritual Dreams

Creating a Dream Journal

Writing down your dreams immediately upon waking ensures no vital detail is lost. Record symbols, emotions, and any specific details that stand out.

The Role of Prayer in Understanding Dreams

Ask God for insight and wisdom (James 1:5). Prayer aligns your heart with God’s will, making it easier to discern His voice through dreams.

Biblical Strategies for Dream Interpretation

Contextualizing Dreams with Scripture

The Bible serves as a foundational guide for understanding dream symbols. For example, if you dream of a tree, Psalm 1:3 associates it with righteousness and spiritual growth.

Seeking God’s Wisdom and Discernment

Pray specifically for guidance on what your dream means. Daniel 2:19 illustrates this principle, as God revealed the meaning of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream to Daniel following earnest prayer.

Common Themes in Spiritual Dreams

Dreams About Animals and Their Meanings

Animals in dreams can convey significant messages.

Example: A lion may symbolize strength and the presence of God, reflecting Revelation 5:5, where Jesus is referred to as the “Lion of the Tribe of Judah.”

Dreams About Numbers in the Bible

Numbers carry deep meanings in spiritual dreams.

Example: Dreaming of the number seven often points to completeness or divine perfection, as noted in Genesis 2:2.

Understanding Symbols in Dreams

  • Recognizing Repeated Patterns
  • Recurring images or scenarios can signal a consistent message. Pay attention to such patterns for a clearer understanding.
  • Distinguishing Between Literal and Figurative Messages
  • Not every dream is to be taken literally. For instance, dreaming of a storm may not predict bad weather but could represent spiritual trials or personal struggles.

How to Decode Spiritual Dreams

  • Breaking Down Symbols and Contexts
  • Spiritual dreams often include symbols that require careful analysis.
  • Start by identifying the main elements of your dream.
  • Match these elements with their biblical or personal meanings.

Steps to Analyze Symbolic Dreams

  • Note the emotions and atmosphere in the dream.
  • Look for repeated symbols or key themes.
  • Compare your findings with biblical teachings for clarity.
  • Using Personal Experiences and Scriptural Alignment

Your life experiences can offer context for interpreting dreams. For example, dreaming of water might signify spiritual cleansing or renewal, depending on your understanding and its biblical significance.

How to Interpret a Dream From God

  • Signs That a Dream Is From God
  • It aligns with biblical truths.
  • It brings peace and understanding (1 Corinthians 14:33).
  • It draws you closer to God and His purpose.

How to Respond to Divine Messages in Dreams

When you sense a dream is from God, take action. Pray for guidance and seek spiritual counsel to confirm its meaning and application.

Interpreting Spiritual Visions

  • Understanding the Difference Between Dreams and Visions
  • Visions usually occur while awake and are often vivid. In the Bible, visions are clear and prophetic (Acts 10:9-16).
  • Biblical Guidelines for Interpreting Visions
  • Always compare the vision with Scripture.
  • Share it with trusted spiritual mentors for confirmation.
  • Practical Steps for Dream Interpretation
  • Keeping a Balanced Perspective
  • Don’t overanalyze every dream. Some may simply be reflections of daily experiences rather than spiritual messages.
  • Consulting Spiritually Mature Individuals
  • Seek advice from pastors or mature believers who can provide biblical insights and guidance.


Interpreting spiritual dreams requires faith and discernment. By aligning your understanding with biblical principles and seeking God’s guidance, you can uncover divine messages and apply them in your life. Remember, dreams are one way God communicates, and their interpretation should always reflect His glory.


How does God speak to people?

God primarily speaks to people through dreams, visions, and direct guidance. Biblical examples include Jacob’s encounter with God through a dream and Solomon receiving wisdom in a dream.

What percentage of God’s communication is through dreams?

It is believed that about 90% of God’s communication with His people happens through dreams.

What does it mean if I stop dreaming?

A lack of dreams can indicate that God has been trying to communicate with you, but you might not be listening. It may also point to spiritual pride, as dreams are a tool to guide and correct us.

Why is dreaming important for spiritual life?

Dreams are a way for God to speak directly to us, offering wisdom, guidance, and protection. Ignoring dreams can prevent growth and hinder the flow of divine messages.

What can I learn from the stories of Jacob and Solomon?

Jacob’s dream (Jacob’s Ladder) shows how God can use dreams to reveal His presence and plans.

Solomon’s dream reveals that God can give wisdom and direction in dreams, showing how to make decisions that honor Him.

How does God guide people in ministry?

Growth in ministry comes from obedience to God’s instructions, not through human effort alone. Just as Jesus guided Peter in fishing for men, obedience leads to success and fruitfulness in ministry.

What should I do if I feel I am not receiving dreams?

Reflect on your spiritual condition and whether pride or distractions are blocking your connection with God. Prayer, humility, and seeking God’s will can help re-establish this communication.

What role does pride play in not receiving dreams?

Pride can block God’s ability to speak through dreams. When you become self-reliant and stop seeking God’s guidance, you might stop receiving dreams, as you are not in a position to listen.

Can God speak through dreams to anyone?

Yes, God speaks through dreams to everyone, but those who are spiritually open and attentive are more likely to receive and interpret these messages correctly.

How can I interpret my dreams?

To interpret dreams, focus on their context and symbolism. Pray for wisdom and understanding, and seek confirmation through Scripture and God’s guidance.

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